I may be a considered “tree-hugging hippie” at times but you don’t have to be to think that junk mail is a PAIN IN THE ARSE! Here are ways that you can reduce the amount of paper that you have to throw away AND save a couple of trees at the same time 🙂


To avoid the newspaper-like coupon stash (aka: ADVO) in your mailbox call : 1-860-285-6100 and tell them to take you off their list! 

Val-Pak and Red Plum coupons: “These types of bulk mail bundles generally involve envelopes containing a wide array of ads and coupons for locally based stores and services such as window replacement, carpet cleaning, air duct services, car washing, restaurants, and even promotional leaflets for various acai berry scams. I have yet to find any of these coupons useful.”

To get rid of Val-Pak coupons, click here: http://www.coxtarget.com/mailsuppression/s/DisplayMailSuppressionForm

For Red Plum Coupons click here : http://www.valassis.com/1024/Contact/contact_home.aspx

To tell the credit card companies that you don’t care or want to be “Pre-approved” anymore, click here :  https://www.optoutprescreen.com/


Finally, “Here’s a tip to combat against other unsolicited junk mail offers not covered by the items listed above. When junk letters arrive in envelopes that specifically indicate “change service requested” or “address service requested”, it means that you can refuse to receive the letter and have it returned to the sender on demand. Simply write “Refused – Return To Sender” or “Return To Sender – Refused By Addressee” on the envelope and drop it unopened back into the outgoing mailbox to have it sent back to the sender. In most cases, this will cause the sender to remove the address from its bulk mailing list.”

Thanks for the info! (and the tip, M.Key):  http://www.moneybluebook.com/how-to-stop-receiving-paper-junk-mail-and-save-trees/

Cheers. D.Blawg.